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Reasons Why Healthcare Practices Should Offer Online Scheduling

Tina Lj.6 min readAug 30, 2024Industry Insights
Reasons Why Healthcare Practices Should Offer Online Scheduling
Tina Lj.6 min read
Benefits of online patient scheduling software
What is our role in appointment scheduling?

In an industry as demanding as healthcare, it's sometimes good to focus on the seemingly small changes that can lead to significant time savings and improved efficiency. One such change is implementing patient scheduling software—a tool that allows patients to select appointment times while AI considers various factors to offer the best options.

This innovation sounds promising, but it’s crucial to be aware of potential pitfalls during implementation. Issues like misuse of appointment types and slots, lack of proper triage, and overutilization can undermine the benefits of the software.

In this discussion, we’ll explore the benefits of online patient appointments while also highlighting the key features to look for and the common challenges to avoid. Not all scheduling software is created equal, so understanding these nuances will help you make an informed decision that enhances both patient care and practice efficiency.

Benefits of online patient scheduling software

1. Reduce no-shows and cancellations

According to the study, 67,000 instances of patient no-shows can set back the healthcare system by around $7 million.

Yeah, you read that correctly. No-shows and last-minute cancellations are not just inconvenient—they directly impact the financial health of medical practices.

When a patient doesn’t show up for a scheduled appointment, that time slot remains unfilled, resulting in lost revenue and wasted resources. By allowing patients to schedule appointments at their convenience with patient scheduling software, practices can significantly reduce the rate of no-shows.

It is even better if integrated automated reminders for patients are available. Imagine this: The software sends timely appointment reminders via email or SMS, making it easier for patients to remember and manage their upcoming appointments.

This allows healthcare providers to focus on patient care rather than managing empty schedules. Furthermore, the ability to quickly reschedule appointments online ensures that time slots remain filled, optimizing practice management and contributing to the overall cost-effectiveness of the medical practice.

2. Enhanced patient experience

According to the survey, over 80% of patients indicated they thought it was crucial to be able to schedule, alter, or cancel appointments online.

Allowing patients to use patient self-scheduling software enhances their interaction with healthcare providers, making them more likely to return for future services. The flexibility for them increases patient satisfaction. By improving the patient experience, you can retain existing patients and attract new patients.

But, although the research shows a boost in patient satisfaction, health practitioners need to be careful. For example, patients often schedule themselves for inappropriate types of appointments (e.g., booking a short visit for a complex issue) or with the wrong provider (e.g., a specialist for a primary care issue). This could just further lead to inefficient use of provider time. This is why it's important that the scheduling system asks specific questions about their condition and then suggests the appropriate appointment type and duration. These systems can restrict booking certain appointment types unless specific criteria are met or trigger a flag for review by a medical scheduler.

Also, it's important to incorporate a proper triage. Incorporate a preliminary triage process within the scheduling system that assesses the urgency of the patient’s condition based on their inputs. For example, if a patient reports symptoms that could indicate a serious issue, the system should prioritize their appointment or direct them to immediate care.

Apart from properly educating patients on how to use the system, it's crucial that online scheduling software incorporates AI to assist in areas like automatic surveys and preliminary triage. However, it's essential to remember that the final decision should always involve a healthcare worker.

This system is a tool to support the healthcare process, not a replacement for human judgment. Ultimately, it should always come down to a human for the last check.

3. Time efficiency for healthcare staff

Scheduling appointments manually is a time-consuming task that often takes healthcare staff away from more critical duties, such as patient care and administrative tasks that require their full attention. Traditional scheduling methods involve lengthy phone calls, managing appointment books, and coordinating changes, all of which can lead to inefficiencies and errors.

By implementing medical scheduling software, practices can automate these processes, allowing staff to focus on what matters most—patient care. Patient scheduling software simplifies scheduling workflows, enabling staff to manage appointments with just a few clicks.

4. Optimized resource management

Managing resources efficiently is a significant challenge in any healthcare setting, especially during peak hours when the demand for services is highest. Patient scheduling software is vital in optimizing the use of resources such as staff, examination rooms, and medical equipment.

By providing a clear overview of scheduled appointments and available time slots, the software allows practices to allocate resources more effectively. This ensures that providers can meet patient needs without overextending their capabilities.

Example: Consider a busy family practice that uses patient scheduling software to manage its daily operations. The software reveals that Monday mornings are consistently overbooked, leading to long wait times and stressed staff, while Friday afternoons are often underbooked. To address this imbalance, the practice could leverage scheduling software that incorporates AI-driven algorithms.

The AI can analyze the booking patterns and, after a certain threshold of appointments has been reached for a particular day (like Monday morning), it can automatically suggest alternative times to patients, such as the less busy Friday afternoon slots. This smart scheduling ensures that the practice maintains a more balanced workload across the week. (Of course, the online scheduling system also takes into account the urgency of the appointments)

5. Integration with other healthcare systems

One key advantage of patient scheduling software is its ability to integrate smoothly with other healthcare systems, particularly Electronic Health Records (EHR). EHR integration promotes interoperability, which is important because it means the right information is available to the right people at the right time. In healthcare, this means a whole other level of importance.

Relevant patient information should be easily accessible and up-to-date for healthcare providers. This means having a unified platform to view health records, schedule appointments, and manage patient interactions without switching between different systems. This streamlines practice management and reduces the likelihood of errors, such as scheduling a patient with the wrong provider or overlooking a crucial piece of medical history.

6. Security and compliance

In the healthcare industry, maintaining the security and privacy of patient data is not just a priority—it’s a legal requirement. Patient scheduling software must comply with regulations like HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) to ensure that sensitive patient information is protected. This includes safeguarding data during the scheduling process, whether it’s through online scheduling, patient portals, or automated communications like appointment reminders.

The software’s compliance features are designed to prevent unauthorized access to patient information, whether it’s stored within the system or transmitted between systems. Additionally, robust security measures, such as encryption and user authentication, are essential to protect against data breaches that could compromise patient confidentiality.

By ensuring that all data handling processes comply with healthcare regulations, medical scheduling software not only protects the practice from legal risks but also builds trust with patients increasingly concerned about the privacy of their personal health information.

7. Improved data management and analytics

By centralizing all scheduling-related information, such software makes it easier for practices to analyze and optimize scheduling practices. This centralized system collects data from every appointment and interaction, providing healthcare providers with valuable insights into patient behavior, peak hours, and resource utilization. These insights allow practices to make informed decisions about staffing, resource allocation, and operational improvements.

The analytics provided by the appointment scheduling software play a crucial role in identifying patterns and trends, such as the most common reasons for missed appointments or the busiest times of the day. With this information, healthcare providers can adjust their scheduling workflows to reduce no-shows (what we talked about under number 1.), improve patient throughput, and optimize resource use.

patient scheduling platform

What is our role in appointment scheduling?

After many years in HealthTech, we at Devōt have learned the importance of time savings and efficiency improvements. We understand that in this industry, innovation and forward-thinking are paramount, and choosing the right partner can make all the difference.

Reach out to us and let’s discuss our experience with patient scheduling platforms and how we can help your organization stay ahead.

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