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Checklist for Software Development Best Practices

Tina Lj.8 min readMay 10, 2024Business & Life
Tina Lj.8 min read
1. KISS: The simplicity that's often overlooked
2. YAGNI: Avoiding unnecessary features
3. DRY: Avoiding redundant code
4. Automated testing and ensuring reliability
5. Catch issues early with continuous integration
6. Continuous deployment
7. Ensure quality with code reviews
8. Refactoring: Improving existing code
9. Track changes effectively with version control
10. Do not forget the importance of documentation
11. Modular design
12. Plan for growth
13. Manage your failures gracefully
14. The importance of security
15. Performance optimization
The rise of AI also means security is even more important

As with everything, software development practices have changed over time.

In the early days of software development, the Waterfall methodology was a dominant model. Our Head of Business Agility, Josip Osrečki, already had a few words on design thinking and modern waterfall.

Waterfall followed a linear, sequential approach, with each phase of the software development life cycle (SDLC) completed before moving on to the next.

Although it had its advantages, for example, it was easy to manage, challenges were greater with inflexibility and delayed feedback. In response to the limitations of Waterfall, the Agile methodology emerged in the early 2000s. Agile embraced iterative and incremental development.

In this blog post, we will go over the checklist for software development best practices. Of course, you don't need to apply everything from here because every business is unique. Who knows, maybe you have even better propositions for best practices, so feel free to send us your suggestions.

1. KISS: The simplicity that's often overlooked

The principle of "Keep It Simple, Stupid" (KISS) is one of the software development best practices. It emphasizes simplicity in software architecture and functionality. The concept encourages for developers to write code that is straightforward and easy to understand, avoiding unnecessary complexity.

Why it's important: Simple code is easier to read, maintain, and debug, leading to improved code quality. By focusing on simplicity, development teams can avoid technical debt and prevent issues arising from overly complicated solutions.

How to implement: Encourage software developers to write code with clear and concise logic, avoid redundant functionality, and focus on the core requirements of the project.

2. YAGNI: Avoiding unnecessary features

"You Aren't Gonna Need It" (YAGNI) is a software development principle that discourages developers from implementing features or functionality that aren't immediately needed. This approach helps to streamline the development process by focusing only on what is necessary.

Why it's important: Implementing unnecessary features can lead to wasted time, increased complexity, and potential security issues. By following YAGNI, developers can focus on delivering what the customer actually needs, improving efficiency, and reducing technical debt.

How to implement: Development teams should focus on delivering minimum viable products (MVPs) and prioritize features based on customer feedback and business processes. Agile development methodologies are particularly effective for implementing YAGNI, as they focus on iterative development and collaboration.

3. DRY: Avoiding redundant code

"Don't Repeat Yourself" (DRY) is a principle in software development that advocates for minimizing code duplication by using abstractions and reusable components. By adhering to DRY, development teams can enhance code quality and maintainability.

Why it's important: Redundant code increases the potential for errors and complicates maintenance. Implementing DRY ensures that changes need to be made in only one place, which reduces the risk of introducing bugs when modifying code.

How to implement: Use functions, classes, and modules to encapsulate common functionality. Regularly refactor code to eliminate redundancy and use programming languages and frameworks that support code reuse effectively.

4. Automated testing and ensuring reliability

Automated testing is an aspect of software development best practices, as it ensures that software behaves as expected. Automated tests include unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests, which can help identify and fix issues early in the development process.

Why it's important: Automated testing helps maintain software quality, catching bugs early, and preventing regression issues. It ensures that software applications meet their requirements and function correctly.

How to implement: Development teams should write tests for critical functionality and include testing as part of their development process.

5. Catch issues early with continuous integration

Continuous Integration (CI) is a software development practice where developers regularly merge their code changes into a shared repository, followed by automated builds and tests. The goal is to catch integration issues early.

Why it's important: CI ensures that code changes are compatible with the rest of the codebase, preventing integration problems. It also provides rapid feedback to developers, allowing for early detection of potential risks or issues.

How to implement: Use CI tools to automate the build and testing process. Development teams should commit code frequently, maintain a robust suite of tests, and ensure that each integration is thoroughly tested before merging into the main branch.

6. Continuous deployment

Continuous Deployment (CD) extends CI by automatically deploying code changes to production after they pass automated testing. This practice streamlines the release process, allowing for rapid delivery of new features and bug fixes.

Why it's important: CD enables faster delivery of software updates, providing immediate value to customers and quickly addressing issues. It also reduces the risk of human error in the deployment process.

How to implement: Develop an automated testing pipeline to ensure the reliability of each release. Use CD tools to manage the deployment process and implement proper rollback mechanisms to handle issues that arise in production.

7. Ensure quality with code reviews

Code reviews are an integral part of software development best practices, where multiple developers review each other's code to ensure quality and consistency.

Why it's important: Code reviews help identify potential issues, improve code quality, and share knowledge among team members. They also ensure that the software code adheres to established coding practices and standards.

How to implement: Establish a code review process where multiple developers review assigned tasks. Utilize version control systems to facilitate peer reviews and create clear guidelines for reviewers and authors to follow.

8. Refactoring: Improving existing code

Refactoring involves restructuring existing code without changing its functionality, improving its readability and maintainability. This practice is here for managing technical debt and enhancing software quality.

Why it's important: Refactoring helps improve code quality and eliminates technical debt, making it easier to understand and modify the codebase. It also prevents code rot, where software becomes harder to maintain over time.

How to implement: Incorporate regular refactoring sessions into the development process. Use automated tools to identify potential refactoring opportunities and establish guidelines for safe refactoring practices.

9. Track changes effectively with version control

Version control is essential for managing code changes and collaborating with multiple developers. Systems like Git provide mechanisms for tracking changes, managing branches, and collaborating on software projects.

Why it's important: Version control enables developers to track changes, revert to previous versions, and collaborate effectively. It also facilitates the integration of contributions from different team members.

How to implement: Use version control tools like Git for all software projects.

10. Do not forget the importance of documentation

Documentation is an important aspect of software development that helps developers understand the software code, architecture requirements, and functionality. It also aids in maintaining and updating software over time.

Why it's important: Proper documentation helps new software developers understand the codebase, facilitates collaboration, aids in troubleshooting and future development, and ensures that knowledge about the software product is preserved even if team members change.

How to implement: Write clear and concise documentation for code, architecture, and processes. Use documentation tools and practices that integrate with the development workflow and ensure that documentation is kept up-to-date with software changes.

For all Office Space fans:

software development

11. Modular design

Modular design involves structuring software into self-contained modules or components that can be reused across different projects or parts of the software. This approach enhances flexibility, simplifies the software development process, and supports agile software development.

Why it's important: Modular design promotes code reusability, simplifies maintenance, and enables teams to work on smaller, manageable parts of the software development lifecycle. It also supports the software security development process by isolating functionality and minimizing potential security problems.

How to implement: Design software components with clear interfaces and encapsulated functionality. Encourage the use of modular architectures, such as microservices, that align with the software development practices and business processes of the company.

12. Plan for growth

Scalability involves designing software that can handle increased demand or data volume. Planning for scalability is essential for long-term success, especially for software development companies operating in competitive markets or rapidly growing industries like healthtech, for example.

Why it's important: Scalable software can accommodate user growth, data expansion, and increased functionality without performance degradation. It also aligns with the overall software development lifecycle and supports business growth.

How to implement: Design for horizontal and vertical scaling, use scalable programming languages and frameworks, and plan for future growth in architecture requirements. Conduct regular performance testing to identify bottlenecks and potential risks to scalability.

13. Manage your failures gracefully

Error handling is crucial for developing robust and user-friendly software applications. Proper error handling ensures that software can manage and recover from unexpected issues, providing a better user experience and protecting against malicious code.

Why it's important: Good error handling prevents software crashes, protects sensitive data, and enhances functionality. It is a vital part of secure software development, as it prevents potential attackers from exploiting unhandled exceptions.

How to implement: Implement clear and consistent error messages, use exception handling mechanisms provided by programming languages, and log errors for future analysis. Conduct regular testing, including unit tests and integration testing, to ensure that error handling is effective.

14. The importance of security

Security is a fundamental aspect of software development that focuses on protecting software and its data from unauthorized access or malicious attacks. Secure software development involves integrating security throughout the software development life cycle.

Why it's important: Security breaches can lead to data loss, reputational damage, and legal issues. Implementing secure coding practices and addressing security requirements early in the development process can prevent security problems and ensure compliance with regulations.

How to implement: Conduct threat modeling to identify potential risks, use secure coding practices, and conduct regular penetration testing. Implement user authentication and data encryption, and stay up-to-date with security trends in the software development industry.

15. Performance optimization

Performance optimization focuses on improving the efficiency and speed of software code, enhancing user experience, and reducing operational costs. This practice is crucial for high-performing software applications, especially in competitive markets or resource-constrained environments.

Why it's important: Performance optimization in software development is crucial because it directly affects user satisfaction and system efficiency. Slow or unresponsive software can lead to poor user experience, customer dissatisfaction, and even loss of business.

How to implement: Profile and analyze code to identify performance bottlenecks, optimize algorithms and data structures, and use caching and load balancing where appropriate. Regularly test performance, especially after significant changes or when integrating new technologies.

The rise of AI also means security is even more important

The AI is everywhere now in software development. AI-driven development tools can enhance code quality and overall productivity of the team, but secure software development practices are becoming increasingly important in response to growing cybersecurity threats.

From Waterfall to Agile, DevOps, and beyond, each phase has contributed valuable insights and lessons that shape today's best practices and influence future developments.

At Devōt, we strive not just to keep up with trends but to set new standards in software development best practices. With over eight years of experience, our development team consistently delivers top results that we apply to all projects with our partners. If you need a dedicated development team that implements the best practices, reach out to us, and let's start your next project together.

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